CORAF 12 October 2015 /
The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF / WECARD) organized the West Africa Fair of Agricultural and innovations Technologies from 17 to 19 November, 2015, in Dakar, Senegal. This Fair was attended by 12 of the 13 project countries of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP) and about 10 Technical and Financial Partners' organizations. All the 159 technologies generated by the program were presented to decision makers and more than a thousand visitors. A real success for CORAF / WECARD in terms of visibility.
The West Africa Fair of Agricultural and innovations Technologies enabled CORAF/ WECARD to broadly disseminate appropriate and relevant technologies that were generated as part of the program, to increase awareness and interest in the sub-region.
It was the opportunity to present all generated technologies including success stories highlighting the socio-economic benefits of these agricultural technologies, to demonstrate the link between all exposed technologies and emerging issues such as climate change, Agriculture climate-smart, management of natural resources, as well as employment and income generation.
This fair was part of the celebration of 10 years of Agricultural Policy of the Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAP + 10], and was placed under the patronage of HE The President of the Republic of Senegal and current Chairman of ECOWAS, Mr. Macky Sall.